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Nopograb has sent all his robots to steal your money!

But It's okay, because with teamwork and intelligence, you can get through this crisis like it's nothing!

WASD or arrow keys - Move
Space - Jump
Shift or F - Dash
Ctrl or E - Swap player
R - Reset player

You need your teammate to help you! Swap between the blue and red monster. The blue monster can touch blue blocks but goes through red blocks. The red monster can touch red blocks but goes through blue blocks.

Your goal is to reach the green trophy at the end of the third level. In order to get there, you need enough money. Avoid Nopograb's bots, they will hurt you can take your money! The more money you have, the more you lose. If you die, you won't lose money but you will have to restart the stage.

In order to pass a stage, you must reach the golden trophy. Once you complete the level, you can buy the next level. If you don't have enough money to purchase the next stage, you can go back into the stage to gather more!

Collecting green money will give you 100 dollars, and collecting golden money will give you 500 dollars. There may be paywalls in the level, which will block you off until you reach a certain amount of money. If you get enough money to go through these walls, there will be bigger opprotunities for you to get more money!

If you touch a blue orb, it will make your player jump. Use them to get past large gaps or get up high walls!

Made for NCFBLA 2024 state competition event

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